Monday, June 5, 2017

real. raw. genuine.

Happy Monday!!!

This is going to be a very vulnerable post for me.  I want to talk about you.  But I also want to talk about me.  I think that you and I are probably on similar journeys.  I have been doing a lot of soul searching recently and found some things that I want to work through.  With all of the study that I have done on mindset in the last year or so, I find it absolutely amazing how difficult it still is for me to incorporate some of the practices into my life.  And the really crazy thing is that when I do incorporate them, I feel a million times better.  I feel amazing.  I feel like I can conquer the world.  It’s insane!  So why do I still have such a hard time maintaining these practices long term?  And it isn’t even just with my mindfulness practices.  I find myself doing this with my diet and workouts too.  I constantly limit myself with my mindset.  I know that I feel better when I work out consistently.  I know that I feel like a million bucks when I am eating whole, plant-based foods.  I know that it’s better for my health to engage in these practices.  So why in the hell do I self-sabotage my health and wellness by not maintain these practices in my everyday life.  Now this is where you come in.  I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not the only person who goes through this cycle.  Am I right?  Is this you too??  I thought so.

One of my goals with this blog is to share my journey and to help others who might be struggling with the same things.  Everyone knows that social media is just an individual highlight reel.  I used to get so scared to post anything that didn’t indicate that I am fit as a fiddle and loving my #fitlife.  Hell, I still get really scared to post anything like that.  If you notice when I go on hiatuses from posting….it’s usually because I’m afraid to put out anything but #positivevibes.  I am so afraid of being a failure that I just won’t share anything.  It reminds me of how our moms used to always say, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”  For me, this translated to, “if you can’t post something positive, don’t post anything at all.”  All of this fear and negativity is a super big part of my limiting beliefs and it is something that I intend to work through.  Here’s the thing that I realized:  I’m so scared of being imperfect or off my game that my story isn’t translating as my story.  And I truly believe that my experiences can help others if I can get past this stupid limiting belief that I need to be perfect all the time in order to help others.  

I promise that I will share the real aspects of my journey, both good and bad.  Mistakes are such a good way to learn and I have made plenty of them for you to learn from.  I would much rather be the one to make the mistakes if it will benefit somebody else in the long run.  I just hope that my journey is one that your can identify with and that it serves you.

So with that being said, here is my current status:  I haven’t had cheese, chocolate, or coffee in 17 days.  And I surprisingly don’t want to murder someone.  If that’s not progress, I don’t know what is! :]  I have had a lot of ups and downs over the last few months and my self esteem fluctuated with those hills and valleys.  If I wasn’t doing a sugar cleanse or Whole30, I was crazy bingeing on chocolate and crap and telling myself it wasn’t a big deal.  I have transitioned to a sitting job, so I’m not running around a store all day like a crazy woman, which makes a huge difference in how my body uses energy and more importantly, how much energy my body uses.  I’ve started running recreationally, but my training has been really inconsistent.  Honestly, I think my biggest road block is consistency and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if that was your biggest road block too.  Am I right?  I have been consistent over the last 17 days and that is why I feel better now than I have in a looong time.  

I started the Whole30 with a coworker and it was daunting af.  But I know that I have done sugar cleanses before and felt a million times better than before.  I sort of dived into Whole30 without realizing how much else was limited outside of sugar and processed foods.  As a vegetarian, being told that I also needed to purge grains and legumes sucked.  But you know what?  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I honestly feel super clear headed and my energy levels are more consistent.  The only drawback that I have really noticed is that I need to eat more frequently.  I would highly highly recommend trying a Whole30 "cleanse".  It has definitely changed the way that I look at how I eat and why.  It's supposed to help you develop a healthier relationship with food and I think that it definitely has for me!  And I'm not even done with it yet!  :]

Anyway, I wanted to put this out there and tell you guys where I'm at in my journey.  I just really hope that this helps someone realize that they don't have to be and won't be perfect all the time and that's okay!  I'm really excited because I have some ideas of things to share with you all and I think you will like them too!!  More coming soon!

To your health,

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