Wednesday, November 16, 2016

quinoa stuffed acorn squash

Omg omg you guys!  It's almost Thanksgiving!!  Living the #basic fall life over here in Minnesota....just check out this awesome sweater:

Literally nothing better than coffee and cozy sweaters!
And yes, that sweater is from Target, with love.
Today, I want to share with you a kind of random, mishmash recipe that I created last night based on a combination of two recipes that I found for stuffed acorn squash.

What a beauty!  Spinachy, mushroomy, quinoay goodness!
I am still learning to cook seasonally, so many of these recipes are just as much of an adventure for me as they are for you!  You can ask my mom though, I did not eat squash when I was young.  Not even the variety that was cooked in butter and brown sugar.  I was not a fan.  I am living proof for moms everywhere that your kids can grow up to enjoy eating plants!

First things, first.  Did you know that you can microwave acorn squash to cook it?!  Mind.  Blown.  It was so cool!  I use this method for cooking sweet potatoes, but I have never tried it with anything else!  How cool is this?!  Just 8 minutes!!!  Check it out:

Now for the exciting part...the recipe!!!

1 medium acorn squash
1 tablespoon refined coconut oil (olive oil or ghee works too)
1 cup cooked quinoa (I cooked mine in vegetable broth for more flavor)
1 package sliced baby bella mushrooms
1 stalk celery, diced
1/3 yellow onion, diced
2 coves garlic, minced
2 cups spinach
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
Red pepper flakes
Garlic powder

Follow package directions to prepare quinoa.  I substitute vegetable broth for water for added flavor.  When quinoa is done cooking, fluff with a fork and set aside.  Begin melting your oil in a saute pan on medium heat.  Toss in the onion, celery, and garlic and cook for about 5 minutes before adding mushrooms.  Season it up with salt and pepper (maybe 1/2 teaspoon each), a couple shakes of garlic powder, and a dash of red pepper flakes.  While the veggies cook (about 12 minutes or until the mushrooms are cooked through), cut your acorn squash in half, scrape out the seeds, and place the halves open side up on a microwavable plate.  Microwave on high for about 8 minutes.  When the squash is should be fork tender, you can set that aside as well.   Add the spinach to the saute pan and cook, covered for about 5 minutes, until the spinach is wilted.  Mix together your veggies, quinoa, and the Parmesan cheese.  Stuff those squash halves full and sprinkle a little cheese on the top for good measure! Enjoy!

Changes you can make:
-Substitute olive oil, ghee, or butter for sauteing
-Cook quinoa with water for lower sodium variation
-Nix the cheese for a vegan preparation
-I would imagine you could use kale or another green as a sub for spinach
-Baked squash in the oven instead of nuking it (35 min at 375 Farenheit)

This is such a great fall recipe and I have to be honest, I was amazed at how quickly and easily it came together, considering I was flying by the seat of my pants as I made it!  Stay tuned for vegetarian Sheppard's pie next week!

Enjoy the fall weather before winter comes this weekend and don't forget to #eatseasonally!



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