I know it's super typical to makes goals that we won't keep at the beginning of the year, so I'm not going to do that. There are, however, some lifestyle changes that I want to make this year.
During my hiatus, I did not eat well and workout. And do you know what? I felt AWFUL. I mean, I was still very pleased with the other changes in my life, but I could definitely tell that I didn't feel all on like I had last spring.
My main focus this year is on proper nutrition and using food to heal my body. This doesn't mean that I'm going to count every calorie and macros, etc. I'm going to follow the manifesto of Michael Pollan, who, in my opinion, is a freaking genius. Do you want to hear what it is?! DO YOU?!!! I swear, the first time you hear this manifesto, you will think to yourself, "Oh my goodness. Duh. Just duh." IT MAKES TOTAL SENSE AND IT IS SO UNREAL HOW THE "FOOD" INDUSTRY HAS EVOLVED. Okay, anyway. Here it is:
Is your mind blown?! IT'S SO SIMPLE! It's basic premise is that the vast majority of what supermarkets sell these days is not, in fact, food. Which is interesting because guess what our bodies need to function! Food. Although most supermarket items might have some food components, they are doctored up with chemicals to create desirable characteristics for food, like extending shelf-life, color, mouth-feel, etc.
Anyway, you should all pick up his book, In Defense of Food. It's amazing. And like I said, the simplicity of it will seriously knock some sense into you.
Back to how this relates to the lifestyle changes that I want to make! My focus is going to be on consuming more plant foods. And I don't mean grains and bread. I think this will challenge me this year and I want to just have one major adjustment to focus on for the year. Not to mention, that I am 90% sure that I will feel amazing. So please follow my journey and I promise I will post lots of fun recipes!
Stay fit!
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